
Book shout: two poetry collections by Bindweed contributor, Sanjeev Sethi

(Cover image of Bleb from Hybridreich)

Congratulations to Bindweed contributor, Sanjeev Sethi on his recent poetry collections, Bleb, published in June by Hybridreich and Hesitancies published in July by Classix, an imprint of Hawakal.

Sanjeev has contributed poetry to Bindweed and was published in 2017. You can read more of his work in Issue 4.

We wish you all the best with your new books, Sanjeev!

By Heavenly Flower Publishing

Bindweed Magazine publishes two anthologies each year: Midsummer Madness and Winter Wonderland. Bindweed is run as a not for profit, labour of love endeavour by an author/poet couple: Leilanie Stewart and Joseph Robert. Bindweed can be found at

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