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Midsummer Madness 2023: Bindweed Anthology release day!

It’s release day! Midsummer Madness 2023: Bindweed Anthology is now available to buy as a Kindle eBook or in paperback.

We have also decided on our Editor’s Pick prize winners, which are as follows:

Fiction £10 prize = DJ Tyrer

Poetry £5 prize = Julie Sampson

Poetry £5 prize = Joseph Farley

Congratulations to the winners, who we will be in touch with individually to confirm the email address and marketplace of choice so that we can email out the Amazon e-gift cards.

Thank you to everyone who pre-ordered a copy of the anthology and to all who plan to buy a copy; money from sales funds our Editor’s Pick prizes and ensures we can keep running future anthologies here at Bindweed. We appreciate all your support and hope you enjoy reading Midsummer Madness 2023: Bindweed Anthology!

Available for FREE on Kindle Unlimited, as an eBook or in paperback:

By Heavenly Flower Publishing

Bindweed Magazine publishes two anthologies each year: Midsummer Madness and Winter Wonderland. Bindweed is run as a not for profit, labour of love endeavour by an author/poet couple: Leilanie Stewart and Joseph Robert. Bindweed can be found at

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