
Book Shout: Poetry collection by Bindweed contributor by Carol Deering

Congratulations to Bindweed contributor, Carol Deering, on the publication of her poetry collection, Havoc & Solace: Poems from the Inland West, by Sastrugi Press.

Carol has contributed poetry to Bindweed and was published in Issue 1 in 2016.

We wish you all the best with your book, Carol!


Carol Deering – 3 poems


A moth roiling witchy at the window
my mind whirling
the moon at 3 a.m. looming closer
hunchbacked, absorbed

                celestial navigation…

What gets this moth so keyed up,
to dance so noisily? show no mercy?
What winds me up a slope         

                angular relationships…

when I want to spin
from the sharp edge of thought
into lazy swells
of sleep?



This jacquard-patterned river,
pulling up its socks, tripping,
scampering, leaping shadows,
plays with threads of light, running
tiptoe, allegretto con moto,
with all its might.

The snow on the edge glows blue
and ponderous,
all the full moon



lost, returning late,
looking up through the understory,
up through the depths
of black water
to the fossils and the undead

with friends at a jukebox
playing It’s a Beautiful Morning
at midnight
must get back
to camp

I can’t see
for the darkness,
sounds start and stop
invisibly, eyes
grip a sliver of stars
that curves as trees

let me by.


Carol L. Deering grew up in New England but has lived in Wyoming for 30 years. She has twice received the Wyoming Arts Council Poetry Fellowship (2016 and 1999). Last year she won the Wyoming Writers free-verse contest. Her poetry appears in online and traditional journals, and is forthcoming in Soundings Review and Written River. Carol also has poems in the regional anthology Ring of Fire: Writers of the Yellowstone Region. Once she had the privilege of interviewing Richard Hugo; that interview, published by Art Notes (Columbia Basin College), was reissued in CutBank.